Tag: Jodphur

  • INDIA | The Land of Dreams and Romance

    INDIA | The Land of Dreams and Romance

    In 1896, at age 60, Mark Twain traveled throughout India for three months.  As I read his words, I saw my photographs of India… “This is indeed India; the land of dreams and romance, of fabulous wealth and fabulous poverty, of splendor and rags, of palaces and hovels, of famine and pestilence, of genii and…

  • People of the World

    People of the World

    This is Bob Beveridge, in his secondhand violin / collectible shop in Falkland, Scotland. He is playing the prized guitar that was given to him by Roseanne Cash, when she and her famous father traced their roots back to this small village in the Kingdom of Fife. At the risk of missing my bus back…

  • Weird but Wonderful | Business Plan

    Weird but Wonderful | Business Plan

    Clock Tower Market in Jodhpur, India